The Shadow Sails

The sea is restless. The gods watch. And in the depths, shadows stir.


The Shadow Sails saga is a sweeping, multigenerational tale of vengeance, power, and the inescapable bonds of fate. Across bloodstained tides and cursed waters, pirates, sirens, and ancient forces collide in a brutal struggle for dominion over the seas. From the rise of the Jaymes name to the final clash against the monstrous Krakenking, this saga weaves a tale of love, war, and the sacrifices demanded by the gods.

Prepare to set sail…

The tides are shifting. The legend of the Shadow Sails has only just begun.


Start the saga with the prequel, Scourge of the Shores.

Books in order: Revenge on the Seas, Allies from the Deep, War on the Waves, and Master over the Swell.