Self-Publishing School Case Study: Lauren Lee Merewether
Type of Book
Ancient Historial Fiction
What made you want to join Self-Publishing School?
I love writing and telling stories; it is a dream to be a full-time income author. I had published three books prior to joining but had no success. I decided to invest some of our savings (Husband agreed) into SPS to help me start. I have a five year goal to make a full-time income from book royalties. Additionally, I became pregnant with my first child around the time I joined SPS, and I wanted to be able to show her that any dream she has is possible with a plan, hard work, the proper training and know-how, along with a team of people who support and encourage you.
Biggest worry before joining:
I thought I would lose a lot of money. SPS at the time was only a few years old so there wasn’t a whole lot of information out there. It was a leap of faith, but I am glad I joined because it is everything it said it would be, especially the SPS Fundamentals of Fiction course.
Most helpful part of the process:
The most helpful part of the process to me were the master calls with my coach, the weekly Q&A sessions in the Mastermind Community, and the ability to go back and review up-to-date training material, worksheets and transcripts. My coach also helped me develop a marketing plan and directed me to additional resources—both invaluable.
Biggest benefit of working with us:
I am making my dream of being a full-time income author a reality. I joined SPS in late 2017, I published my first book through the program in May 2018. I broke even on what I spent on the classes, Mastermind Community, book production costs, advertising, etc. 16 months later with only two books out. I have been releasing about one book per quarter since book two and on a great trajectory to reaching my full-time royalty income goal maybe in the next year or two.
How has your life changed since joining our program/s?
Seeing my dream of being a full-time income author blossom in front of my eyes.
Advice for anyone thinking of joining:
If you want a continually updated, high quality, one-stop-shop to kick off your author career and save you a tremendous amount of time and headache trying to figure it out yourself, then go with SPS. If you don’t invest in yourself and your dreams, no one else will either.
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